Money manager ex tutorial
Money manager ex tutorial

  • Account Summary Views and Navigation- An easy to use tree view navigator to navigate across accounts and summarized views of your accounts, upcoming bills & deposits and income vs.
  • Track your Bills and Deposits- Create bills & deposits to be reminded of your upcoming bills and deposits so you never miss a payment or deposit.
  • Internationalization of currency formatting.
  • Ability to handle multiple currency across accounts.
  • International language support (Available in 24 languages).
  • Reminders for recurring Bills and Deposits.
  • money manager ex tutorial

  • Maintain and Track Fixed Assets with depreciation.
  • Maintain checking, credit card, savings, stock investment accounts.
  • money manager ex tutorial

    Such transactions could be making a payment towards a loan, buying a car, eating out at a restaurant and so on. A transaction is an financial event where money/services are exchanged.

    money manager ex tutorial

    The software models the real financial world through concepts of transactions.

    Money manager ex tutorial